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DPS Live Annual Day – ‘Realm of Fantasy’
सा विद्या या विमुक्तये
True Education Enlightens
In today’s world, where one cannot even imagine the kind of professions and businesses that will exist twenty years from now, the whole pedagogical approach for education should shift from ‘teaching based’ to ‘learning based’, so as to prepare ‘life-long learners’. DPS (DPS School Pali) has been conceptualized by the famous DPS School Pali with a dream to set up a world-class school, which over a period of time will become an institution second to none and the one that always will remain ahead of its times.
With a spirit to provide a global infrastructure, the best in academia and the greatest depth in the inward journey, the promoters have established this school where east meets west.
The Academic Programme
Our academic programme is based on the Vision for 21st century teaching and learning. We imagine to create the ideal learning environment –a place where teachers and students are all learners, the focus is more on questions, less on answers, understanding is more important than knowing, innovation and exploration are part of learning, children are taught to connect and learn with the world.

Pre-Primary Wing
Pre-Primary School provides a caring, stimulating environment where each child is given time and opportunity to develop his/her physical, intellectual and emotional skills.

Primary Wing
The pedagogy used across primary grades moves beyond lecturing/passive teaching to use engaging activities, discussions, videos, quizzes, games, and varied online creative resources.

Upper Primary Wing
At this stage, the pace of academic demand is accelerated and students are gradually prepared to forge ahead. Students gain a strong foundation and develop into holistic beings.

Secondary Wing

Senior Secondary Wing
World Class Infrastructure & Facilities
We Believe
- That every child has the potential to contribute to the world in a meaningful and positive way.
- That every child deserves the opportunity to explore his/her potential in an environment that embraces individuality, creativity, and mutual respect.
- That children given this opportunity have a remarkably enhanced chance to grow up to be productive, contributing, passionate global citizens.
- That there is urgency throughout the world to introduce children to excellence and teach them to strive for it.
- That if the bar is held high enough, children will develop the strength and determination to meet standards of excellence because they believe they can.
- And that the DPS School Pali offers a safe environment for children to explore their interests.
We Care
- The bus drivers and attendants are housed away from the main school functioning area where they stay when they wait for the children. Entry to the rest of the school is strictly out of bounds for them.
- CCTV cameras are installed at the entrance, inner periphery, the ground and floors. These cameras cover all the entries and exits. The coverage from CCTV cameras is regularly monitored by our Administrative Staff.
- We educate our children with session on “good touch and bad touch”
- We also have periodic fire/disaster drills to practice evacuation in the shortest possible time.
- Police verification of 100% staff is undertaken before they are hired and that includes school staff and support staff-drivers, conductors, catering staff, cleaning staff, nannies etc.
- Children are handed over only after verifying the Authorization ID Card issued by the school to the family of the child.